In this issue 6 Info-Projects and 8 Case Studies from all over the world were published, written and edited by Lorenz Brugger for Karl Krämer Verlag:
- Museum in Baumholder, Germany by Hille Architekten BDA
- Apartment Building in Brussels, Belgium by B-architecten nv
- “The Moon” Theatre in Mechelen, Belgium by import.export ARCHITECTURE bvba
- Apartment House in San Francisco, USA by Edmonds + Lee Architects
- Extension to a School in Tourcoing, France by Escudieé Fermaut architecture: Jean François Fermaut & Pierre Desfontaines
- Irish Pavilion in London, United Kingdomby clancy moore architects, Steve Larkin Architects and TAKA architects
- German Pavilion at the Milan Expo, Italy by SCHMIDHUBER Architekten, Milla & Partner
- Private House in Kalmthout, Belgium by Gert Willemen: eProjecten, Johan Fierens
- Private House in Castleconnell, Ireland by James Corbett Architects
- School in Anvaing, Belgium by Architectes Luc Moulin & Associés
- Studios in Suffolk, United Kingdom by Soup Architects Ltd
- Private House in Oslo, Norway by Knut Hjeltnes sivilarkitekter MNAL AS
- Housing Complex in London, United Kingdom by MAKE architects
- Private House in Le Touvet, France by Florian Golay